


    • 学校中文名:皇后大学
    • 学校英文名:Queen’s University
    • 学校性质:公立
    • 学生人数:20000
    • 学费/年: C$18076

皇后大学是安大略省第二古老的大学。1841年,Thomas Liddell 受苏格兰教会委托携带皇家特许来到Kingston创立Queen's College,这就是皇后大学的前身。该校正式开课是在1842年。


皇后大学在加拿大是极受尊重的大学,师资力量雄厚,以优异的教学质量和多姿多彩的历史而闻名。皇后大学拥有教职员工2,374人,学生总数达 20,566人,在校本科生人数13,789人,其中有来自100多个国家和地区的留学生1,003人。皇后大学的教学质量在加拿大名列前茅,一直受到各 行各业的广泛好评。无论是在法院,还是在实验室、医院、艺术长廊等地,人们都会发现皇后大学校友的身影,加拿大许多知名人士都是该校的校友。由于校友的慷 慨资助,加上该校因杰出科研工作而吸引到许多资助,皇后大学便拥有了一流的设施装备。从实验室到体育馆,从图书馆到学生活动中心,所有的设施都很先进。校 内的JOSEPH S. STAUFFER图书馆以电子服务和高科技联网著称。学校的“生物科学综合楼”耗资5,000万加元。值得一提的是,该校于1994年在英国设立了“国际 研究中心”,该中心规模庞大,包括了前皇家格林威治天文台,还可以为该校学生及世界各大学的学生提供以欧洲研究为中心的各项课程。



皇后大学学校规模不大,拥有加拿大一流的商学院和医学院,没有工学院但有应用科学学院。理工科中的工程物理专业为加拿大第一,该专业在北美也仅次于美国的 普林斯顿大学和康奈尔大学而排名第三。该校的人文艺术、教育学、法律等专业非常有名。皇后大学在学术上一直保持着很高的水准,与多伦多大学和麦吉尔大学一 起并称为加拿大的长春藤。在学术方面,皇后大学一直保持着很高的水准,极高的教学质量和学术水平让皇后大学学生自豪地把他们的母校比作加拿大的普林斯顿, 其生物、医学、商业、工程、法学、艺术及理科都闻名于世。皇后大学的MBA在加拿大排名第二,而且发展势头十分强劲,有众多商业人才出自该校。



Faculty of Arts and Science

In the Faculty of Arts and Science, exceptional students learn to analyze and think critically, communicate and debate, interpret and judge independently - skills that are sought after by postgraduate programs, professional schools, and employers!

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Faculty of Education

The Faculty of Education develops progressive, ethical, competent, and thoughtful leaders in education through teaching, research, and professional collaboration.

Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science

Queen’s engineers take pride in an enduring tradition of achievement, both academically and in extracurricular pursuits, that have an impact on the world around them. In an atmosphere of collaboration, not competition, this dual focus has helped make Queen’s Faculty of Engineering and Applied Science an international leader in engineering education.

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Faculty of Health Sciences

The Faculty of Health Sciences (encompassing the Schools of Medicine, Nursing, and Rehabilitation Therapy) excels across all of its mandates for education, health care, and research. Strong collaboration across schools, faculties, and our partnering institutions is the hallmark of Queen's academic health sciences centre.

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Faculty of Law

With a proud tradition of community, collegiality, and service, Queen's Faculty of Law develops outstanding legal professionals with a global perspective and advances the understanding and development of the law through dedicated, innovative teaching and scholarship.

School of Business

Queen’s School of Business, one of the world’s premier business schools, has earned its international recognition through its outstanding faculty and innovative approaches to business education. The School develops outstanding leaders with a global perspective and creates new knowledge that advances business and society.

School of Graduate Studies

The School of Graduate Studies offers more than 100 graduate programs within 50+ departments and centres of research to consider. Through Queen’s University School of Graduate Studies, students set their ideas in motion and create an impact on the world.

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Anatomic Pathology (P)

Anatomical Sciences (M)

Anatomy and Cell Biology (M/D)

Anesthesiology (P)

Applied Economics (B)

Applied Sustainability (M)

Engineering and Applied Science (in general)

Arabic Language

Art Conservation (M)

Art History (B/M/D)

Arts and Science (in general)

Astronomy and Astrophysics (B/M/D)

Biochemistry (B)

Biochemistry (B/M/D)

Biology (B/M/D)

Biomedical Computing (B)

Biomedical Engineering (M/D)

Biostatistics (M)

Business / Management (B/M/D)

Business and Law combined (M/B)

Cancer Research (M/D)

Cardiology (P)

Chemical Engineering (B/M/D)

Chemistry (B/M/D)

Chinese Language

Civil Engineering (B/M/D)

Classics (B/M)

Cognitive Science (B)

Commerce (B)

Community Health and Epidemiology (M/D)

Computer Engineering (B/M/D)

Computing (B/M/D)

Concurrent Education (B)

Critical Care (P)

Cultural Studies (M/D)

Diagnostic Radiology (P)

Divinity (M)

Drama (B)

Economics (B/M/D)

Economics and Law combined (M/B)

Education (B/M/D)

Electrical Engineering (B/M/D)

Emergency Medicine (P)

Engineering Chemistry (B/M/D)

Engineering Physics (B/M/D)

Engineering (in general)

English Language and Literature (B/M/D)

Environmental Studies (B/M)

Epidemiology (M/D)

Executive MBA (M)

Family Medicine (P)

Family Medicine: Aboriginal Health (P)

Family Medicine: Anesthesia (P)

Family Medicine: Care of the Elderly (P)

Family Medicine: Developmental Disabilities (P)

Family Medicine: Emergency Medicine (P)

Family Medicine: Global Health (P)

Family Medicine: Women's Health (P)

Film and Media (B)

Fine Art (B)

French Studies (B/M/D)

Gastroenterology (P)

Gender Studies (B/M)

General Internal Medicine (P)

General Surgery (P)

GeoEngineering (M/D)

Geographic Information Science (C)

Geography (B/M/D)

Geological Engineering (B/M/D)

Geological Sciences (B/M/D)

German (B)

Global Development Studies (B/M)

Graduate Studies (in general)

Healthcare Quality (M)

Health Sciences (B)

Health Studies (B/M/D)

Hebrew Language & Literature (B)

Hematology (P)

History (B/M/D)

Humanities (in general)

Indigenous Studies

Industrial Relations (C/M)

Industrial Relations and Law combined (M/B)

Interdisciplinary Studies (B)

Internal Medicine (P)

International Studies (C)

Italian (B)

Japanese Language

Jewish Studies (B)

Kinesiology and Health Studies (B/M/D)

Linguistics (B)

Law (B/M/D)

Law and masters programs combined (B/M)

Life Sciences (B)


Management (B/M/D)

Mathematics and Engineering (B/M/D)

Mathematics and Statistics (B/M/D)

Mechanical and Materials Engineering (B/M/D)

Mediaeval Studies (B)

Medical Oncology (P)

Medicine (B/M/D)

Microbiology and Immunology (M/D)

Mining Engineering (B/M/D)

Music (B)

Nephrology (P)

Neurology (P)

Neuroscience Studies (M/D)

Nursing (B/M/D)

Obstetrics and Gynaecology (P)

Occupational Therapy (M)

Ophthalmology (P)

Orthopedic Surgery (P)

Palliative Care Medicine (P)

Pathology and Molecular Medicine (M/D)

Pediatrics (P)

Pharmacology and Toxicology (M/D)

Philosophy (B/M/D)

Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (P)

Physical Sciences (in general)

Physical Therapy (M)

Physical and Health Education (B/M/D)

Physics (B/M/D)

Physiology (M/D)

Political Studies (B/M/D)

Psychiatry (P)

Psychology (B/M/D)

Public Administration (M)

Public Administration and Law combined (M/B)

Public Health (M)

Public Health and Preventive Medicine (P)

Radiation Oncology (P)

Rehabilitation Science (M/D)

Religious Studies (B/M)

Respirology (P)

Rheumatology (P)

Sexual and Gender Diversity (C)

Social Sciences (in general)

Sociology (B/M/D)

Software Design (B)

Spanish (B)

Spanish and Latin American Studies (B)

Stage and Screen Studies (B)

Statistics (B/M/D)

Theology (C/B/M)

Urban and Regional Planning (M)

Urology (P)

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